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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • I cannot improve with facial contouring surgery?
  • 2021-02-03 hit.18,474
  • Writer : Ha**

Before Surgery

When I was in middle school, I heard that I could have a malocclusion if I become an adult at the dentist. When I became an adult, I found an orthodontic dentist because my upper and lower teeth were really interlocked, and I had corrected them for more than two years. So, my upper and lower teeth were almost identical. But even with braces treatment my front cheeks, wide chin, and lower jaw, which seemed to be longer, still looked worse than before. I went to various plastic surgery clinics to solve the concern with a facial contour, but I thought that contour surgery would be difficult to improve.


I visited the EU for consultation. The doctor said it's not a very severe lantern jaw, but it's clear that it's a double jaw surgery case. The facial contouring surgery was a tough decision I felt relieved that I had found the answer. I trusted the doctor who answered many questions with kindness and confidence, and I chose the EU without hesitation after seeing the reviews of those who were very satisfied with the doctor's excellent skills and hospital staff's kind care on the website.



<Post OP Day>

Luckily, I do not have pain after GA or side effect. But I just blanked and felt so hungry. I have nosebleed from time to time, but I didn't feel that blood was stuck in my nose or neck or that my breath was too uncomfortable. The doctor came in at night and he told me that the surgery went well, and that it would take months to completely calm down the swelling.


< Post OP 4 Days >

< Post OP 7 Days >

Doctor check up on me for the first week and I got disinfected. I'm going to get laser treatment every day except weekends after surgery. Consultant told me that the feeling of a lantern jaw disappeared.


< Post OP 8 Days >

< Post OP 10 Days >

I think it's less obvious if you cover it with your hair, but compared to other people's I think my face is swelling a lot L


< Post OP 12 Days >

The swelling on both sides is still decreasing differently and the right side looks wider. I'm into almond breeze and bread blender these days ㅠㅠ!!This food, you don't need to worry about getting stitches or getting stuck in your teeth. It's so delicious because it's creamy and has a soft texture.


< Post OP 14 Days >

I went to the hospital to see the doctor so he can stitch out for me. Even if I move my lips a lot, the wound hurt, so I was a little nervous. But when you actually when doctor removed stitches, it was okay because purposely let your whole body relax and open your mouth than it will be done. So, you don't have to worry about it!


< Post OP 15 Days >

My nose is still very swollen L. If this has been keep progressing than for sure that I need surgery on my nose. There is nothing uncomfortable except not being able to chew food. After removing the stitches, it doesn't feel tight at all, so it's good! I've been practicing after watching the mouth workout video since yesterday. As I open my mouth in four directions, my muscles relax, so it's easier to interact and feel comfortable on my chin.^^


< Post OP 17 Days >

The tip of the chin is very sharp, and there's no big change in the cheek. When I wake up, I get swelling again. I face shape get much better during afternnon. I eat ramen every day. I keep dipping it into castella bread whenever I have time. An explosion of desire to chew. I feel like I'm gaining weight even if I eat a little, maybe because I lost a lot of muscle.


< Post OP 18 Days >

I met my parents for the first time after the surgery. My mom said that lantern jaw has disappeared. You are pretty already, but don't look in the mirror until the swelling goes down, but if you just live your life, you'll be pretty^^.


< Post OP 21 Days >

It's been 3 weeks, so I went to EU to check for the mouth occlusion. I think my cheeks are puffy compared to other people's 3rd week photos. I hope that I can remove wafer if I have stable bite. I was looking forward to it, but I'm wearing two rubber bands. ㅇㅅㅇ? I thought rubber bands would be uncomfortable, but since they're in right position, I feel more comfortable because I think it will be helpful to have stable bite!


< Post OP 23 Days >

My boyfriend took a picture of me without telling me. Through the picture I can tell that my chin got shorter and face line got smoother. I looked younger and didn't feel bad. I'm worried because I'm eating so well!


< Post OP 24 Days >


< Post OP 27 Days >

Swelling is still awkward with a lot of candy swelling, but the tip of the chin is naturally sharp and thin. It's the tip of my chin that I wanted!  The square jaw is very square because it swells up. ㅠㅠ I hope the swelling goes away and becomes thinner. >_<


< Post OP 33 Days >

I think the swelling is decreasing slowly. The tip of my chin and the bottom of my chin ‘s swelling gone a lot. I only have two fingers in my mouth, but I can't get any wider than that right now. Should I practice harder?



< Post OP 41 Days >

My mouth is a little less swollen, so it's less painful now! I'm not enough to show my face outside yet, but I'm doing well without worrying about swelling! The dentist used to ask me why I'm going to have surgery when I'm attractive and pretty already. But when I went to the dentist after the surgery, they said that I look much prettier and younger than I am! I hope the swelling in my nostrils and the rest of my swelling goes away.♡


< Post OP 47 Days >

Even if I take a picture now, I'm so pleased to see my face and I do not get stress from my appearance anymore! Also, after surgery my mouth line looks much better than before, it's interesting to see the forehead and nose line. ☆ It's a surgery that requires a lot of determination, and it requires a lot of patience, but I'm more satisfied with the results. I'm satisfied with the new shape of my mouth and chin. Those with severe lantern jaw must be satisfy with the result of the surgery!


< Post OP 54 Days >

I'm still eating rice, bread, and noodles, but I'm eating so well. It's a big deal. I think I lost weight after surgery because I lost all my muscles. I don't feel uncomfortable. I don't open my mouth much. I think it's because I'm not doing mouth exercises. I'll have to try a little bit more! ^^


< Post OP 61 Days >

Compared to the pre-op profile photos, the nasolabial angle itself has changed. The angle of the philtrum and nose were sharp, but I think it's a little over 90 degrees now. I guess that's why my nose looks more sharp from the side. Everyone said it's not obvious that I had surgery. I don't think I'm shy even if I take off my mask. I used to have thin lips, so it looked more like that. But after the surgery, I got much better with entangled lip. It's gotten a lot better. As the days go by, my swelling is gradually decreasing. ♡


< Post OP 74 Days >

I feel like I'm getting more and more chewing power! I've lost a lot of swelling recently, but my front cheek fat has disappeared a lot, so it's a little flat. I hit the edge of my chin a little hard the day before yesterday, but I want to see if there's a recurrence or if my bones are healing well, so I can't wait to see doctor for post op 3 months ^-^


< Post OP 112 Days >

I still have a slight swelling at the end of my square jaw. It's good that my nose is getting smaller. I'm still careful when I eat and sleep, but there's really no problem with the function. After surgery I've been uncomfortable with swelling since the day of surgery, but I don't think I've ever had any pain in the surgical area. If you're thinking about surgery, I hope you have a lot of counseling and a lot of courage in a trustworthy place. I used to hate looking at the mirror, but now I smile in front of the mirror or the camera.


< Post OP 141 Days >

My acquaintances around me don't know if I've had surgery. I heard a lot of my acquaintances say that I look young today. I think people who are new to me, they think that I looks around 5 years younger than my original age. It's amazing that I look in the mirror at the right ratio after about four months. Even though it's been 4 months, there's a little bit of candy swelling that looks like cheek fat next to the mouth. But looking at the picture post OP 3rd month, I think I have been lost more of it since then. I'm looking forward to seeing my appearance improve over the next six months and a year.


< Post OP 6 Months >

It doesn't look awkward. I eat hard things carefully, but I like the result of the surgery because I chews well. Dental treatments are taking longer than I thought, Thank you so much to the doctor for living without side effects. I'll see you on your sixth month of treatment! ^^


< Post OP 7 Months >

I felt like I had a lot of weight on my jawline after surgery, so I started doing light lifting with contour injections, Shlink and Leaftera.


< Post OP 8 Months >

I don't usually take selfies that much, so I don't take a lot of pictures after surgery, but I think I take more pictures than before. When I take pictures recently, I rarely edit my jawline. That's so amazing! I used to corrected my jaw right away and got stressed out. ㅠㅠ I do not have lantern jaw anymore! I'm so happy and relieved that my concern about my jaw disappears!


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